An unsettling incident unfolded at the Njeru Central Division Headquarters in Buikwe District.
Journalists, including NTV’s Masiko Godfrey, had gathered to cover a highly anticipated meeting called by Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Lydia Kalemera.
The meeting aimed to address a contentious land dispute involving a landlord identified as Wasswa and the directors of Horizon Covenant Children’s Home in Kiryowa, Njeru Division.
With numerous stakeholders in attendance, among them Njeru Division Chairperson Michael Odeba, local leaders, aggrieved parties, and law enforcement officials led by Njeru Division Police Commander Edith Basalirwa, the atmosphere was charged with tension.
As the meeting proceeded, an unexpected turn of events saw the former Senior Community Development Officer (CDO) of Buikwe, whose presence had been discreet, suddenly launch an unprovoked attack on the journalists present.
The assault on the media personnel, particularly the physical confrontation involving Masiko Godfrey, sparked immediate outrage among the attendees, leading to the swift arrest of the former CDO.
The incident has since raised serious concerns about the safety of journalists and the potential influence of power dynamics in sensitive community matters.
During the meeting, the RDC clearly stated that journalists were allowed to cover everything, and the session began at 12:30 PM.
By 4:20 PM, the meeting had been resolved, and the team decided to visit Horizon Covenant Children’s Home.
However, before they could leave, Kiganda Samuel Ssewanyo, a former Buikwe District Senior Community Development Officer, blocked RDC Kalemera and the team from visiting the home.
“Do you have a court order to visit the home?” Kiganda asked the RDC.
In response, RDC Kalemera questioned, “Kiganda, why are you blocking me? I have the authority to visit any area, and I am with police officers,”
Sensing the tension between the two, NTV journalist Masiko Godfrey and I began recording the confrontation.
Suddenly, Kiganda lunged at Masiko, damaging his camera in the process.
“When Kiganda noticed that I was also taking photos, he turned on me, assaulting me and destroying my camera by knocking it to the ground.”
Fortunately, the police officers, RDC, and others intervened, and Kiganda was taken into custody.
He now faces two charges, including assault and malicious damage, under SD Ref: 62/22/08/24.