Greed and extortion have become the unfortunate order of the day at the Mbarara Fixed Weighbridge, where unscrupulous officials have allegedly exploited truck drivers for personal gain.
But this time, the officers went too far, and their actions have now caught the attention of the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA).
Following a heated protest by Sino truck drivers, the authorities have acted swiftly, leading to the arrest of three officials.
The incident unfolded in Rwampara District on Saturday, when truck drivers accused UNRA enforcement officers of demanding bribes for alleged overloading violations.
Drivers claimed they were forced to pay Ugx500,000 per truck as a penalty for exceeding the weight limits.
The payments were made through mobile money, but no receipts were issued, leaving the drivers feeling cheated and helpless.
In response to the allegations, Allen Kagina, the Executive Director of UNRA, ordered an immediate investigation.
On Sunday evening, three officers, Mugabe Hannibal, Mugisha Charles, and Nanyonjo Justine, were arrested, and additional staff at the weighbridge, including police officers, were transferred.
Kagina also announced plans to introduce a grievance line to ensure that aggrieved parties can report such incidents in the future, promising swift action to maintain transparency and accountability within the agency.
Rwizi Region Police Commander Alfred Bangambaki confirmed that a general inquiry file had been opened to investigate the claims and determine the necessary charges against the accused officials.
The scandal highlights the ongoing challenges faced by UNRA in tackling corruption, as the agency seeks to restore trust and fairness in its operations.