Students at St. John secondary school located at Kyawambogo, Nakisunga sub county in Mukono district are still under shock following the attack on the school.
The attack happened on Saturday after a group of five thugs armed with pangas attacked and killed instantly two of the school support staff.
One of the support staff’s body of Patrick Kanyole, a 58 year old charged with manning security at the school was found near the play ground, with sisal rope that had tightly gripped his neck.
Both hands were tied and a deep cut on his forehead. The body of his colleague, Fred Hyuha, was found inside the sentry box with a deep cut on his head and abrasions around the neck area, showing signs of strangulation.
It is allegedly said that thugs also rounded up three students of the school in S.2, S.4. and S.6 and tied them up.
Reliable information from our source inside the school indicate that students are still traumatized.
Some of the teachers have not returned to school yet while as other students appeals to return home for psychological assistance.
The school management and it’s director, Johnson Muyanja Ssenyonga have declined respond to the inquires put before them about the matter.
However, Police Spokesperson, Fred Enanga says KMP together with detectives from Mukono Police Division have embarked on hunting for the thugs.
According to him dismantled and stole the school DVR for the CCTV camera but exhibits of evidential value where recovered from the scene.
Enanga encourages schools to ensure the safety of students and staff and the security of the school infrastructure.